Friday, December 7, 2012

The Current Tale of FDI in Multi Brand Retail

Posted by Gopal Unnikrishna Kurup

 The discussion in Parliament on Foreign Direct Investment in Multi-brand Retail Trade and the subsequent vote on it to approve its introduction in the country, became a tell-tale display of the moral bankruptcy of our major political parties. It has, if any thing, laid bare their crass insincerity and hypocrisy. The Congress had opposed the measure when in opposition and Vajpayee govt tried to bring in FDI in Retail, the now PM Manmohan Sing then writing against it and leading a hue and cry in parliament. Since that the tables turned with the change of seats. It is opposition for opposition, it seems. Now you have also seen the spectacle of Akali Dal initially welcoming the bill and then voting against it - the current M-M play in reverse.

We have witnessed the shameful double crossing of the common man by the S.P. and B.S.P, of vehemently opposing the FDI in Retail publicly for the consumption of what they take as  gullible voters, and then selling their souls if they have any, by ushering in the dubious reform, through the perfidy of voting in favor of the measure in Parliament. Who are responsible for  making  the bill get past the Parliament and become legal and thus opening the way for its introduction in the country?  The very same two parties who opposed it tooth nail by mouth and then twisted themselves to put their foot in their mouths by voting for it.

Independent India has never seen this level of deception and duplicity on the part of political parties. Now who can believe in what they say  and where they stand on any issue vitally affecting the progress of this country? Does the Congress believe that it has come out stronger now by buying these two parties and securing a majority in both houses of Parliament and also having ensured its survival till the next general elections? My guess is that the Congress will soon find out that the cost is too high and ominous for the introduction of the rightful reform process in this country. Once these parties have extracted their pound of flesh, the Congress will find that it is their way or highway as far as further governess is concerned. And the Congress  will have only itself to blame then.

The Congress govt. now could claim political victory of sorts which in reality may be rather empty and a moral defeat. Moral defeat in that the sense of both houses of Parliament was strongly and dominantly against the bill. Additionally, and predictably, the ground scenes when it is going to be implemented could indeed be quite muddlesome with significant cold shouldering, bra hua, and even litigation galore.

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