Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Theater Of The Absurd

Posted by Dr. Gopal Unnikrishna Kurup

 The Theater of the Absurd



 With a dogged resolve of a crass politician, Sonia Gandhi presides over the political decision making  core group of Congress party, and much against the wind of public sentiments and also much against the sane opinion of a minority inside the group (that included  Veerappa Moily), and aided and abetted by hustlers like Kapli Sibal, triumphantly decides to defy the Supreme Court, and to bring in an ordinance on the bill  to save the convicted MPs marauding in her party and in  UPA as law makers.  On July 10, the Supreme Court had ruled that an MP or MLA would be immediately disqualified if convicted by a court in a criminal offense with a jail sentence of two years or more The immediate imperative was that Lalu Prasad, her staunch ally might meet his nemesis and  be consigned to the cattle manger of a hefty term of imprisonment that could call curtains for his political life. Greatly concerned, her core group decides to rescue Lalu the ally by proclaiming hurriedly an ordinance on the bill and thus outwit the court verdict. Prime Minister and his cabinet carried out the core group's directive to the letter, and gave shape to The Representation of the People (Amendment and Validation) Ordinance, 2013 allowing convicted MPs and MLAs to continue in office if their appeal is admitted by a higher court within 90 days and the conviction stayed, which was then dispatched to the President for signing.

The  BJP who initially had gone along with the bill, now sensed the strong ground swell of public sentiments that had already turned into a whooping gale against any such move to protect criminal politicians, simply backtracked and  tried to stall the bill by causing it to be sent to a standing committee. They then proceeded to oppose  the totally untenable ordinance tooth and nail, and even met the President urging him not to sign it. Then came the blow which the dynasty never reckoned with. The President,-their erstwhile man of all seasons - however  gave clear indication that he is not happy with either the ordinance, or the proposed bill.

For the first time since Indira Gandhi's confrontation with the "syndicate", the dynasty's might was shaken and the Congress party  embroiled in another devastating doldrums, this time almost fatal. The dynasty decided to jump out of the sinking boat on to terra firma and leave the captain and the crew to its fate. The jump was as sudden and dramatic as the criticality of the situation demanded. The prince hates being caught wet and soiled. So he shook himself dry and declared to the effect that having watched the whole episode through a pair of binoculars from a long distance in Delhi," my opinion is that the ordinance is nonsense and it should be torn up and thrown away" ..[ ie. before the President  does so ].

Fair-minded people may ask even if the dynasty found that the ordinance which they chaperoned is backfiring, it could have quietly pulled the strings on the govt. to withdraw it. They should realize  that the dynasty saw the resultant fiasco back lashing on them more than the govt and the PM, who are already discredited anyway.  They were scared to their wit's end that people will see that the dynasty is prone to blunder. How that it could be; the dynasty can never be wrong - or else everything is lost. Drastic situations require drastic remedies The Prince took leave from his extracurricular activities and decided to shoot from the hip. He did and came out like a Rambo and a hero, the gun smoking profusely and leaving every one flummoxed, some to the point of consternation. The prince thus proved that he is much above all that muck even after wallowing in it all along.. Let the world behold and be thrilled.

The prince is now prim and prime,spick and span; it is the PM and his team wet and sick. It seems there is great future for jumping jacks in the Congress theater of the absurd

 The man who makes merry on the sly here is Nitish Kumar of JD(U). Whether or not  he tantalizingly held at a 'jumpable' height a half ripe banana of his chance, or even offer, of joining the UPA, which contributed to the spirited acrobatics of the young scion, might remain a part of the mysterious palace intrigues. One should see the obvious fall out of enormous potential of a  Lalu-devoid battle ground to fight the resurgent BJP in Bihar. In this Wild Life week the thought arises that one of the abundant species in the Indian jungle is the jackal.

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