Thursday, August 21, 2014

Kicking Away The Talk.

Posted by Dr. Gopal Unnikrishna Kurup

Kicking Away The Talk.


 I had earlier in Facebook referred to the foolhardiness that is characteristic of the Islam mind. This trait is a later acquisition as the Qur'an doesn't enjoin its believers to act like that. There is,  however, a streak of violence that is preached in the holy book which I believe is the root cause of Islam's belligerent interactions with the rest of the world. This exhortation to violence to the extent of disregarding the endangering of one's life for perceived causes of defending or promoting the faith and or the followers and the very explicit promise of just and pleasurable rewards in the nether life for the resulting self sacrifice should be held as the prime causative factor for this foolhardiness. While Islam spread with astonishing speed on the wave of sustained crusades or jehads, especially in the then no man's land of Middle-East, and later on, in a good part of the relatively less intellectual or vacuum-lands of the world where at that time the spread met with little resistance, the attempts to further the faith, expanding its credo to an establishment of global Islamic World Order that includes nations  in progressive parts of the world have been resisted and been  the major cause of global strife after the end of world war 2.

The Islamic history is riddled with senseless and mostly self decimating conflicts with the rest of the people   so much so that 95 percent of all world strife is of Muslim origin and or causation,. - whether it is the Middle-East, Bosnia, Cyprus, Afghanistan,Pakistan, Indonesia, Philippines, Nigeria, or the latest Gaza rocketeers, the story is the same. While the non-Muslim nations have progressed to religious liberalism and tolerant democracy, the Muslim nations and people have regressed towards radicalism and theocratic state, spreading in its wake  a scourge of violence in a new form of medieval jehad: the terrorism.

These theocratic states find themselves in continuous conflict, with Jewish Israel, Hindu India, and Christian Europe. Added to their religious bigotry of scriptural origin, they are also the hallucinated sufferers from their history.  They had a hoary history of cultural and scientific advancement as part of the eastern civilizations compared to the rudimentary state of the west in the distant past. But no more so, which they don't realize. The world has gone far ahead of them and reached greater heights while they still wallow in the muddied pit of their decadent medievalism that is now shone of all the assets of the past. Muslims all over the world and specially of the Middle East, their home, want to experience the history as a current reality. In short. their religion teaches them that they are recipients of the final and most perfect revelation of God for which and whose enhancement it is noble to die and reap the reward, while their history tells them that they were able to conquer others.

Muslims of the world are living out this fantasy and chasing the  past chimeras in the present. And Pakistan is just another theocratic medieval Muslim nation living in the illusion of  grandiose Muslim past, and on that account, falling apart refusing to acknowledge reality. They believe that they will emulate the Moguls and pitiably refuse to recognize that in both the wars they fought with India, they came a cropper and with a severed limb that is Bangla Desh. Their nose is still bleeding in Kashmir which only enrages them. So long as the Kashmir bleeds in to their eyes they will be incapable of clear vision and to see what is really happening.

Does any one of them, their govt. their media, the leaders and intelligentsia, halt and ponderfor a moment  what they did achieve in the current episode of their pigheaded  insistence on meeting the separatists and getting the talks bombed. A reluctant Modi govt. finally consented to initiate the resumption of talks due to some bonhomie developed between the two PMs in the immediate wake of swearing-in attendance and the meet that followed, and it took some pleadings by Pakistan to get that consent. Then to to go about and dash all that hope and expectation of better days on  to the hard rock of sheer diplomatic pigheadedness and loose everything gained only to revert to the old state of bleeding and brooding, and finding some consolation in sending more terrorists across the border in to India! Only a Muslim nation can carry it off and bring about its own fiasco.
                                                 Pak High Commissioner Abdul Basit

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