Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Aam Aadmi Party's Anarchy

Posted by Dr. Gopal Unnikrishna Kurup

Aam Aadmi Party's Anarchy.

 It may be some time before Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) realizes the damage wrought to its image by the anarchist dharna they staged in Delhi, thoughtlessly forgetting themselves, forgetting the aam aadmi, and forgetting the constitutional position and responsibilities held by its ministers. But people will not forget the potentially great damage to the rule of law and civic order in the capital city of India that loomed large while it lasted. People have also marked in mind AAP's utter arrogance, the rowdy language, and the insolent contempt they exhibited towards the observance of Republic Day. They have now branded themselves as a third-rate band of morons totally devoid of propriety and civility, not to speak of any governance capability. They are now self-confessed anarchists.

AAP's main plank as a political party was anti-corruption crusade and they were able to instill an impression among people long suffering from corruption that they are obsessed with it , and that only a party singularly obsessed with anti-corruption spirit could combat the menace effectively. But what was the performance they displayed immediately after the elections that catapulted them to the second place in the run? They had declared in pre-election time that they as a political party are holier and purer than mainstream parties and the latter being corrupt are untouchables to them. No truck with any of them. But the moment Congress, the most corrupt of all  and therefore the most untouchable, literally offered its hand in support, they decided to grab it in order to occupy the coveted power chair. That one act itself had made them polluted in their own terms , a betrayer not to be trusted anymore, and as bad as any others, when it comes to breaking own words.

Having climbed to power laterally and on the shoulders of Congress, they found themselves prisoners of their untenable promises made recklessly in the activist mode, while further handicapped by inexperience. Tinkering of the establishment by greenhorns could result only in gimmickry and counterfeits. They thrust their hands deep in to people's pocket( the exchequer) and picked enough money to pay the companies as subsidy, bought some current and water and offered it back to the people as their freebies. This was charlatanism. Companies were happy. If this is the way AAP is going to govern they are more than welcome, said the companies. And people found to their dismay that the so called freebies had gone straight to the rich who were laughing merrily as only the rich can laugh at gimmicks.

If we come to power Sheila Dikshit and coterie and all the  scamsters will find themselves in prison, Kejriwal had thundered pre-election. Instead he found himself a prisoner of Shela Dikshit and coterie and at their mercy in sustaining his life in power.  Having tasted power and already  feeling  distasteful without it , the Congress sins had suddenly become invisible for him. All of a sudden he wanted proof, yes proof for believing Congress is corrupt and 'untouchable'. As many people are saying, Kejriwal is the biggest liar at
present in stock in India.

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