Saturday, July 26, 2014

"Mowing the Grass". The Israeli Invasion of Gaza

Posted by Dr. Gopal Unnikrishna Kurup

"Mowing the Grass". The Israeli Invasion of Gaza

Why did Israel launch an invasion of Gaza unlike in all previous times of precipitate and acute hostilities with Palestinians, Hamas in particular? On the face of it, it can be easily read that the ground offensive was meant for destroying the tunnels used by the Hamas who have fired a steady barrage of rockets into Israel. Hamas use these tunnels to surreptitiously access both Israel and Egypt . But surely, that is not a worthwhile object as Hamas can rebuild the tunnels. Israel has publicly stated that the objectives of the invasion do not include ending Hama's rule in Gaza. Already, Israel has lost more men than they perhaps reckoned with prior to the invasion. 

  So what was it that prompted them to go into Hamas territory knowing fully well that such aggression will have only temporary impact on Hamas? To answer that, one has to understand the nuances of the security doctrine Israel has been practicing over the years. Ever since its inception until recently, conventional Arab militaries, of countries such as Egypt and Syria, were its greatest threats. Israel fought three wars against its Arab neighbors in 1948, 1967, and 1973. At that time Israel felt that Arab states will not accept its existence and so a peace deal is also impossible. That meant it could only manage the threat and not solve it altogether. It had to live with a certain level of threat and it evolved a strategy of weakening its enemies with occasional military forays before they reach proportions  of existential challenge. It wanted just to ameliorate its security problems until a stable political solution is arrived at, as it was not possible to immediately eliminate the problems. The long confrontation to be punctuated with decisive battle field victories which could force the Arabs to eventually accept Israel's permanence and result in final peace 

 This was the doctrine that shaped its strategy which it adopted against sovereign nations as well as militant groups since 1948. The strategy worked well for Israel in buying peace with Egypt and later Jordan. Now Israelis see themselves as being under siege by Hamas and like any of those other previous threats, this needs to be managed. You can't defeat Hamas completely. But Israel at the same time realizes that the threat from Hamas is not akin to the Cold War era threats it faced against Arab State's conventional armies. Israel doesn't believe that old strategy will work today with non-state militant groups like Hamas whom it sees as implacable enemies, who want to destroy the Jewish state, and finds little leeway to deal with them politically. So its thinking appears to be in terms of regular military assaults like the present Gaza invasion designed to cripple the military capabilities of Hamas, specially its rocket launching ability. By cropping periodically the Hamas's military capabilities it hopes to lessen their rocket forays, out of fear of retribution. Israel hopes, like Egypt and Jordan, Hamas also will eventually give up on the intent to destroy Israel.  

So it has evolved a newer version of its long term strategy of threat management sans elimination which is euphemistically called "mowing the grass", - a creepy term, as it implies periodically killing people. But that's the basic analog, Hamas, like grass, can't disappear, but it can be regularly cut down to size. The Gaza invasion is about 'mowing the grass'. 

However, whether the strategy is working well for Israel in the present conflict is yet to become clear. Israel has to realize sooner or later that the world is glaring at it for having only this horrible concept and the resultant dastardly strategy of " mowing the grass', which at best is only a holding pattern. It has no political security strategy of diplomatically resolving the dispute with Palestinians which is essential if it has to survive beyond the occupation of the West Bank and the blockade of Gaza. 

The current Gaza invasion, helps Palestinians to put international pressure on Israel to concede to them more favorable terms. And Israel must also recognize that already Hamas has gained in a fashion; it debunked the belief that political stalemate with the Palestinians is cost-free for Israel. It has raised the Palestinian profile and also extracted heavy psychological price from Israel. Empathetic perception of Palestinians as the weak victim confronting a mighty aggressor could be translated into increased international pressure on Israel and isolating it politically and damaging it economically.

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